Category: Tips

Meet the TrueCrypt

Wanna encrypt your data ? Well there are lots of solutions, but the better is the TrueCrypt! Think in a tool that can encrypt your entire pendrive, your data partition, can create and mount a kind of encrypted “container” and encrypt your entire system partition (this last one you have to run windows on it). Well and if I say it is € 0,00, yes this is real.

Visit the site of this wonderful tool:

It’s good to notice that this open-source tool runs on Windows, Mac and Linux!

ps: in a few days I will post a mini tutorial of its use! =)

Ps: Para ler em portugues, vá no link:

Battery Life on Ubuntu

To get some info about your battery life, open your terminal and enter:

$ cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/info

this will return you some useful info!
take a look at this output:
  1. present:                 yes
  2. design capacity:         4400 mAh
  3. last full capacity:      4300 mAh
  4. battery technology:      rechargeable
  5. design voltage:          11100 mV
  6. design capacity warning: 0 mAh
  7. design capacity low:     129 mAh
  8. cycle count:          0
  9. capacity granularity 1:  1 mAh
  10. capacity granularity 2:  1 mAh
Well well, at lines 2 and 3 we can notice that there is a gap between the values. If you charged completely your battery and it always doesn’t fit the same value, it may mean that your battery has lost some of its capacity! =/
Ps: Para ler em portugues, vá no link: